Catching a jenglot ghost in Situbondo

Cangka Nyiur Village residents, the Village Kesambirampak, Kaponga, Situbondo surprised. That's after residents found similar dihebohkan type jenglot spirits. Almost like a human shape, it's just a mini size.

Length is only about 20 cm, fanged teeth out of his lips and black hair long, loose to touch his feet.

Who found the creature so this shit is the first time Lutfi (29), the local residents. This mustachioed man claiming to get these spirits in the empty house next to his house.
"I did not think this will get jenglot. Out of curiosity, I tried to do the ritual. Eh it appears jenglot compatriots spirits, "said the man who according to some neighbors have more to, Saturday (24/10/2009).

Lutfi tells the truth had been arrested jenglot Friday (2/10/2009) ago. But he just told his discovery to his family this morning.

"I'm just worried that my family was afraid of discovery. It turned out that my family even asked that I care whether he's good (jenglot), "he added.

While neighbors Lutfi explained if the discovery of the empty house look haunted jenglot. "Once the home of people who were expelled residents here, he's the owner of the house has science wizards," said Ijong (30), neighbor Lutfi.detik surabaya
